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형태분석: agreste(어간)
형태분석: agreste(어간)
형태분석: agreste(어간)
기본형: agrestis, agreste
남/여성 | 중성 | |||
단수 | 복수 | 단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | agrestis 거센 (이)가 | agrestēs 거센 (이)들이 | agreste 거센 (것)가 | agrestia 거센 (것)들이 |
속격 | agrestis 거센 (이)의 | agrestium 거센 (이)들의 | agrestis 거센 (것)의 | agrestium 거센 (것)들의 |
여격 | agrestī 거센 (이)에게 | agrestibus 거센 (이)들에게 | agrestī 거센 (것)에게 | agrestibus 거센 (것)들에게 |
대격 | agrestem 거센 (이)를 | agrestēs 거센 (이)들을 | agreste 거센 (것)를 | agrestia 거센 (것)들을 |
탈격 | agrestī 거센 (이)로 | agrestibus 거센 (이)들로 | agrestī 거센 (것)로 | agrestibus 거센 (것)들로 |
호격 | agrestis 거센 (이)야 | agrestēs 거센 (이)들아 | agreste 거센 (것)야 | agrestia 거센 (것)들아 |
원급 | 비교급 | |
형용사 | agrestis 거센 (이)가 | agrestior 더 거센 (이)가 |
부사 | agrestiter | agrestius |
제시된 형태 중 음영이 칠해진 것은 실제 코퍼스에서는 확인되지 않았고, 규칙에 의해 자동 생성된 것입니다.
agreste placa virginis numen deae. (Seneca, Phaedra 5:14)
(세네카, 파이드라 5:14)
Parapanisadae appellantur, agreste hominum genus et inter barbaros maxime inconditum. (Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, book 7, chapter 3 7:1)
(쿠르티우스 루푸스, 퀸투스, 알렉산드로스 대왕 전기, 7권, 3장 7:1)
Unum agreste et horridum genus est, quod sapientes vocant. (Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, book 8, chapter 9 36:2)
(쿠르티우스 루푸스, 퀸투스, 알렉산드로스 대왕 전기, 8권, 9장 36:2)
dicunt autem per periphrasin agreste papaver significari. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM QUARTVM COMMENTARIVS, commline 514 452:3)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 452:3)
hinc gradatim ascendere vocem [utile] et suave est (nam a principio clamare agreste quiddam est), et idem illud ad firmandam est vocem salutare; (M. Tullius Cicero, De Oratore, LIBER TERTIVS 227:2)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 웅변가론, 227:2)
1. Rus (ἄροτον) denotes the country, in opp. to the town or city, the village with what belongs to it; whereas ager (ἀγρός) the country, in opp. to the district in general, the open country or fields. Cels. Med. 1. Sanum oportet . . . modo ruri esse, modo in urbe, sæpiusque in agro. 2. Rusticus denotes, like ἀγροῖκος, merely residing in the country; agrestis, like ἄγριος, growing wild in the fields, like ferus, but as a milder expression, for ferus (φῆρες) denotes wildness as an inward nature; agrestis, merely as a mark of the place of residence, or of extraction. 3. In a spiritual sense, rusticus denotes more an intellectual, agrestis more a moral roughness; rusticus, like countrified, has a reference to bashfulness and uncouthness; in its best sense, it is allied to innocence; in its worst, to awkwardness; whereas agrestis, like boorish, has a reference to shamelessness and vulgarity, is never used in a good sense, but borders on feritas, and answers to the German word Flegelei, ‘churlishness.’ The rusticus, in opp. to urbanus, violates only the conventional laws of decorum; the agrestis, in opp. to humanus, the natural laws of decorum also. 4. When Cicero wishes to give to rusticus a still milder sense, and secure it from ambiguity, he adopts the word rusticanus; so that, according to him, rusticus is one who actually lives in a country-village, rusticanus, one who resembles those who live in country-villages; hence among the rusticani the municipes may be reckoned, as rusticorum similes.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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