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기본형: auxilium, auxiliī
Beatus tu, Israel! Quis similis tui, popule, qui salvaris in Domino? Ipse est scutum auxilii tui et gladius gloriae tuae. Blandientur tibi inimici tui, et tu eorum altitudines calcabis ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Deuteronomii, 33 33:29)
이스라엘아, 너는 복되어라. 주님께 구원을 받은 백성아, 누가 너와 같겠느냐? 그분은 너를 도우시는 방패이시며 너를 힘 있게 하시는 칼이시다. 너의 원수들은 너에게 아부하지만 너는 그들의 등을 짓밟으리라.” (불가타 성경, 신명기, 33장 33:29)
Alligavit autem Nicanoris caput de summa arce evidens omnibus et manifestum signum auxilii Domini. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber II Maccabaeorum, 15 15:35)
(불가타 성경, 마카베오기 하권, 15장 15:35)
Nisi quid in Caesare populoque Romano sit auxilii, omnibus Gallis idem esse faciendum quod Helvetii fecerint, ut domo emigrent, aliud domicilium, alias sedes, remotas a Germanis, petant fortunamque, quaecumque accidat, experiantur. Haec si enuntiata Ariovisto sint, non dubitare quin de omnibus obsidibus qui apud eum sint gravissimum supplicium sumat. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, PRIMVS, XXXI 31:14)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 1권, 31장 31:14)
Hac confirmata opinione timoris idoneum quendam hominem et callidum deligit, Gallum, ex iis quos auxilii causa secum habebat. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, TERTIVS, XVIII 18:1)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 3권, 18장 18:1)
neque longius abesse quin proxima nocte Sabinus clam ex castris exercitum educat et ad Caesarem auxilii ferendi causa proficiscatur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, TERTIVS, XVIII 18:4)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 3권, 18장 18:4)
1. Auxilium, opem ferre, and opitulari, suppose a person in a strait, whom one would rescue from necessity and danger, in opp. to deserere, destituere, and so forth; the auxilium ferens is to be considered as an ally, who makes himself subservient to the personal safety, or to the interest of him who is in a strait; the opem ferens, as a benefactor, who employs his power and strength for the benefit of the weak; whereas juvare and adjuvare (ἰᾶσθαι) suppose only a person striving to do something, which he may be enabled to do better and quicker by help, in opp. to impedire, Cic. Verr. i. 6. Ter. Heaut. v. 2, 39. Matres solent esse filiis in peccato adjutrices, auxilio in paterna injuria. When in Liv. ii. 6, Tarquin entreats the Veientes, ferrent opem, adjuvarent, he is first considered as exulans, then as regnum repetiturus. 2. Opem and auxilium ferre derive their emphasis from the noun, to bring help, and nothing else; whereas opitulari, and the poetical word, auxiliari, derive their emphasis from their verbal form, and mean to bring help, and not to refuse. (v. 70.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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