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기본형: remedium, remediī
Abominandum remedi genus est sanitatem debere morbo. (Seneca, Liber II ad Novatum: de ira, Liber I 76:3)
(세네카, 노여움에 대하여, 76:3)
Omne poenae genus remedi loco admoveo. (Seneca, Liber II ad Novatum: de ira, Liber I 92:9)
(세네카, 노여움에 대하여, 92:9)
Nec ratio remedi communis certa dabatur. (Macrobii Saturnalia, Liber VI, II. 12:6)
(, , 12:6)
Sitierunt et invocaverunt te; et data est illis aqua de petra altissima, et remedium sitis de lapide duro. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Sapientiae, 11 11:4)
목마른 그들이 당신께 간청하자 깎아지른 듯한 바위에서 물이, 단단한 돌에서 목마름을 풀어 주는 것이 나왔습니다. (불가타 성경, 지혜서, 11장 11:4)
Et tunc interrogavit puer angelum et dixit ei: " Azaria frater, quod remedium est in corde et iecore piscis et in felle? ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Thobis, 6, 6 6:7)
그때에 청년이 천사에게 “아자르야 형제, 그 물고기의 염통과 간, 그리고 쓸개가 도대체 무슨 약이 된다는 말이오?” 하고 묻자, (불가타 성경, 토빗기, 6장, 6장 6:7)
1. Mederi and the poetical word medicari (μέδειν) denote healing, as the act of the physician, who heals with humane sympathy, judgment, and art, synonymously with curare, like ἰᾶσθαι; sanare, as the effect of the physic, which in a mechanical way makes the sick well again, synonymously with restituere, like ἀκεῖσθαι. 2. Medicamentum means a remedy, with reference to its material substance, as it is prepared by the apothecary, like φάρμακον; medicina, with reference to its healing virtues, as ordered by the physician; each with reference to an illness; whereas remedium denotes a remedy for any of the evils to which we are subject, like ἄκος. Cic. N. D. ii. 53. Medicamentorum salutarium plenissimæ terræ: comp. with Divin. ii. 51. Quam a medico petere medicinam. (v. 198.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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