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기본형: speciēs, speciēī
Hac inopina sequendi confidentia territus perduellis, servis comitantibus paucis, digressu celeri consulturus saluti, nequo praepediretur obstaculo, abiecit pretiosarum sarcinas specierum, quas avexerat secum. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XXIX, chapter 5 36:1)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 5장 36:1)
de naturis generum atque specierum (ARCHIPOETA, V 5:27)
(, 5:27)
Nolim enim, ne si Latine quidem dici possit, specierum et speciebus dicere; (M. Tullius Cicero, M.Tvlli Ciceronis Topica, chapter 7 7:2)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 토피카, 7장 7:2)
Si de amissione vel aliquarum specierum damno agitur, de bonis loquimur, omnem computationem excedentibus. (Papa, Franciscus, Litterae Encyclicae, Laudato si'. De communi domo colenda 49:3)
(교황, 프란치스코, 회칙, 찬미받으소서 49:3)
In biodiversitate curanda, periti de necessitate attendunt peculiarem in modum loca colendi, specierum varietatibus praedita, illius loci specierum, quae sunt rarae vel efficaci tutela minus pollent. (Papa, Franciscus, Litterae Encyclicae, Laudato si'. De communi domo colenda 50:2)
(교황, 프란치스코, 회칙, 찬미받으소서 50:2)
Figura (from fingere, φέγγειν,) denotes shape altogether indifferently, in its mathematical relation, as far as it possesses a definite outline, like σχῆμα; whereas forma (φόριμοσ, φόρημα,) denotes it in an æsthetical relation, as far as it is a visible stamp and copy of an interior substance, to which it corresponds, like μορφή; lastly, species, in its physical relation, as far as it stands opposed to the inner invisible substance, which it covers as a mere outside, like εἶδος. Hence figurare means to shape, that is, to give a definite outline to a formless mass; whereas formare means to form, that is, to give the right shape to an unwrought mass; and lastly, speciem addere means to bedeck any thing, in the old sense of the word, that is, to give to a mass already formed an exterior that shall attract the eye. According to this explanation figura refers exclusively to the outline or lineaments, whilst forma, or at least species, involves color, size, and the like. (iii. 25.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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