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기본형: palūs, palūdis
Dixit quoque Dominus ad Moysen: " Dic ad Aaron: Tolle virgam tuam et extende manum tuam super aquas Aegypti, super fluvios eorum et rivos ac paludes et omnes lacus aquarum, ut vertantur in sanguinem; et sit cruor in omni terra Aegypti, tam in ligneis vasis quam in saxeis ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 7 7:19)
주님께서 모세에게 말씀하셨다. “너는 아론에게, 지팡이를 잡고 이집트에 있는 물, 강과 운하와 늪, 그 밖에 물이 괸 모든 곳 위로 손을 뻗으라고 말하여라. 그리하여 그것들이 피가 되게 하여라. 그러면 이집트 땅 모든 곳에, 심지어 나무와 돌에까지도 피가 흥건할 것이다.” (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 7장 7:19)
Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen: " Dic ad Aaron: Extende ma num tuam cum baculo tuo super fluvios, super rivos ac paludes et educ ranas super terram Aegypti ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 8 8:1)
주님께서 모세에게 말씀하셨다. “너는 아론에게, 지팡이를 든 손을 강과 운하와 늪 위로 뻗어, 개구리들을 이집트 땅 위로 올라오게 하라고 말하여라.” (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 8장 8:1)
et ponam eam in possessionem ericii et in paludes aquarum, et scopabo eam in scopa destructionis ", dicit Dominus exercituum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 14 14:23)
나는 또 그곳을 고슴도치의 차지로, 물웅덩이로 만들고 그곳을 멸망의 빗자루로 쓸어버리리라.” 만군의 주님의 말씀이다. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 14장 14:23)
Et vada praeoccupata sunt, et paludes incensae sunt igni; et viri bellatores conturbati sunt. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ieremiae, 51 51:32)
나루터들이 점거되고 갈대밭이 불에 탔으며 전사들은 겁에 질렸다. (불가타 성경, 예레미야서, 51장 51:32)
ecce enim bellum ex adverso nostrum, aqua vero Iordanis hinc et inde, et paludes et saltus, et non est locus divertendi. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Maccabaeorum, 9 9:45)
(불가타 성경, 마카베오기 상권, 9장 9:45)
Lacuna denotes, in poetical language, any standing water, from a sea to a pool; lacus and stagnum are collections of standing water kept sound and fresh by their own springs, or by ebbing and flowing; lacus (liquere) is large enough to bring to mind the image of the open sea, in opp. to the main sea, like λίμνη; stagnum, like a pond, not so large as to resemble a lake, in opp. to a stream, like τέναγος; whereas palus and uligo are collections of standing water corrupted and grown foul; palus (πλυδᾶν) is, like a marsh, a district covered with a surface of foul water, like ἕλος; uligo (from ὀλός) like a moor, a district soaked through with foul water. The palus appears as a mass of water made thick by mud and bog-earth, in which a person may be drowned; uligo only as ground thoroughly soaked with water, in which a man may sink down. Lastly, lamæ and lustra denote standing waters of small extent; lama, a mere dirty and filthy puddle on a high road; lustra, an ill-smelling and noisome quagmire in woods, etc. (v. 30.)
Stipes and vallus mean a larger sort of pale or stake, like a pole or the stem of a tree, which must be driven into the earth with a rammer; stipes serves for various uses, in war and upon other occasions; vallus (the dimin. of σύαρος?) is chiefly used as a palisade; whereas palus and sudes mean a smaller sort of stake, which may be driven into the earth in the ordinary way; palus (from pangere) serves for various uses, as a hedge-stake, etc., and especially for fastening any thing to it; sudes (from ὄζος?) is also used, on account of its spike, for a palisade, a lance, a javelin. (iv. 324.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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