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기본형: tergum, tergī
modo equestris proelii more frontis et tergi vices, aliquando ut conserta acies corporibus et pulsu armorum pellerent pellerentur. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, book 6, chapter 35 35:5)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, 6권, 35장 35:5)
tergora tergus tergoris, unde et 'tergora', corium significat, tergum vero tergi, ut templum templi, dorsum significat, ut Sallustius scilicet quia tergis abstinetur. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM PRIMVM COMMENTARIVS., commline 211 203:1)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 203:1)
Animalia quaedam tergi durioris inversa tam diu se torquent ac pedes exerunt et obliquant, donec ad locum reponantur. (Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, book 20, letter 121 8:2)
(세네카, , , 8:2)
(티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 6:18)
mei tergi facio haec, non tui fiducia. (T. Maccius Plautus, Mostellaria, act 1, scene 1 1:38)
(티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 1:38)
Dorsum (from δέρας) denotes the back, in an horizontal direction, consequently the back of an animal, in opp. to the belly, like νῶτον; tergum (from τράχηλος), the back, in a perpendicular direction, consequently the part between the shoulders in a man, in opp. to the breast, like μετάφρενον. Hence dorsum montis denotes the uppermost surface; tergum montis, the hinder part of a mountain. (v. 15.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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