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기본형: animus, animī
Quae ambae offenderant animum Isaac et Rebeccae. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 26 26:35)
이들은 이사악과 레베카에게 근심거리가 되었다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 26장 26:35)
Aenēam Trōiānōsque in animum revocāvit, quōs Cyclōps paene cēperat. (Oxford Latin Course II, Quīntus ad Graeciam nāvigat 28:24)
(옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 28:24)
Videns illa quod confessus ei esset omnem animum suum, misit ad principes Philisthinorum atque mandavit: " Ascendite adhuc semel, quia nunc mihi aperuit totum cor suum ". Qui ascenderunt, assumpta pecunia, quam promiserant. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iudicum, 16 16:18)
삼손이 자기 속을 다 털어놓은 것을 본 들릴라는, 필리스티아 제후들을 불러 모으려고 전갈을 보냈다. “이번에는 직접 올라오십시오. 그가 자기 속을 다 털어놓았습니다.” 그러자 필리스티아 제후들이 그 여자에게 올라왔다. 저마다 손에 돈을 들고 올라왔다. (불가타 성경, 판관기, 16장 16:18)
(Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Esther, 5 5:2)
(불가타 성경, 에스테르기, 5장 5:2)
Hominis est animum praeparare, et Domini est responsio linguae. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 16 16:1)
마음의 계획은 사람이 하지만 혀의 대답은 주님에게서 온다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 16장 16:1)
1. Anima denotes ‘the soul,’ physiologically, as the principle of animal life, in men and brutes, that ceases with the breath, like ψυχή: animus (ἄνεμος), psychologically and ethically, as the principle of moral personality, that ceases with the will, like θυμός. The souls of the departed also are called, in a mythological point of view, animæ, as shades; but, in a metaphysical point of view, animi, as spirits. Anima is a part of bodily existence; animus, in direct opposition to the body. Sen. Ep. 4. Difficile est animum perducere ad contemtionem animæ: and 58. Juven. xv. 148. Principio indulsit communis conditor illis tantum animas, nobis animum quoque. 2. Animus denotes also the human soul, as including all its faculties, and is distinguished from mens (μένοσ, μανθάνω, the thinking faculty, as a whole from one of its parts. Cic. Rep. ii. 40. Ea quæ latet in animis hominum, quæque pars animi mens vocatur. Lucr. iii. 615. iv. 758. Catull. 65, 3. Plaut. Cist. iii. 1, 6. As in practical life the energy of the soul is displayed in the faculty of volition, so animus itself stands for a part of the soul, namely, feeling and energy of will in co-ordinate relation to mens, the intellect or understanding. Tac. II. i. 84. Quem nobis animum, quas mentes imprecentur. Ter. Andr. i. 1. 137. Mala mens, malus animus. And, lastly, so far as thought precedes the will, and the will itself, or determination, stands as mediator between thought and action, in the same way as the body is the servant of the will, so mens is related to animus, as a whole to its part. Cic. Tusc. iii. 5. Mens, cui regnum totius animi a natura tributum est. Liv. xxxvii. 45. (v. 94.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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