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기본형: dēsidia, dēsidiae
cape sis virtutem animo et corde expelle desidiam tuo: (T. Maccius Plautus, Trinummus, act 3, scene 2 2:44)
(티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 2:44)
sin autem nova fuerint instituenda vel antiqua renovanda - nam multa sunt, ut dixi, quae neglegentia exolescant et fiant sterilia, eaque expedit interdum etiam frumenti causa exarare, quia talis ager post longam desidiam laetas segetes adfert - igitur eum locum, quem prato destinaverimus, aestate proscissum subactumque protinus per autumnum rapis vel napo vel etiam faba conseremus; (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 2, chapter 17 3:4)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 2권, 17장 3:4)
Rettulit deinde ad senatum super collegio haruspicum, ne vetustissima Italiae disciplina per desidiam exolesceret: (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XI, chapter 15 15:1)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 15장 15:1)
nam nec tu agitare et insequi poetas intermittis, et ego, cui desidiam advocationum obicis, cotidianum hoc patrocinium defendendae adversus te poeticae exerceo. (Cornelius Tacitus, Dialogus de Oratoribus, chapter 4 1:3)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 대화, 4장 1:3)
mox donati civitate Romana signa armaque in nostrum modum, desidiam licentiamque Graecorum retinebant. (Cornelius Tacitus, Historiae, LIBER III, chapter 47 47:6)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 역사, , 47장 47:6)
1. Ignavia denotes the love of idleness, in an ideal sense, inasmuch as the impulse to action distinguishes the more noble from the ordinary man, and gives him an absolute value; in opp. to industria, Tac. Ann. xii. 12. xvi. 18; whereas inertia denotes the love of idleness in a real tangible sense, inasmuch as activity makes a man a useful member of society, and gives him a relative value. Ignavia is inherent in the temperament, and has no inclination for action; inertia lies in the character and habits, and has no desire to work. A lazy slave is called inors; a person of rank, that passes his time in doing nothing, is ignavus. 2. Segnitia, desidia, socordia, and pigritia, are the faults of a too easy temperament. Segnitia (from sequi, ὄκνος,) wants rousing, or compulsion, and must be conquered, before it resigns its ease, in opp. to promptus. Tac. Agr. 21. Desidia (from sedere) lays its hands on its lap, and expects that things will happen of themselves; socordia is susceptible of no lively interest, and neglects its duties from want of thought, like phlegm; pigritia has an antipathy to all motion, and always feels best in a state of absolute bodily rest, like slothfulness. (iv. 212.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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