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기본형: ager, agrī
Oves eorum et armenta et asinos cunctaque, quae in civitate et in agris erant, tulerunt. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 34 34:28)
그들은 양과 염소, 소와 당나귀, 성안에 있는 것과 바깥 들에 있는 것들을 가져갔다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 34장 34:28)
benedixit Dominus domui Aegyptii propter Ioseph, et benedictio Domini erat in omni possessione eius tam in aedibus quam in agris. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 39 39:5)
주인이 요셉을 자기 집과 모든 재산의 관리인으로 세운 뒤부터, 주님께서는 요셉 때문에 그 이집트 사람의 집에 복을 내리셨다. 주님의 복이 집 안에 있는 것이든, 들에 있는 것이든 그의 모든 재산 위에 미쳤다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 39장 39:5)
Fecitque Dominus iuxta verbum Moysi, et mortuae sunt ranae de domibus et de villis et de agris; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 8 8:9)
주님께서는 모세가 청한 대로 해 주셨다. 개구리들이 집과 뜰과 들에서 죽어 갔다. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 8장 8:9)
ecce manus Domini erit super possessionem tuam in agris, super equos et asinos et camelos et boves et oves, pestis valde gravis; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 9 9:3)
주님의 손이 들에 있는 너의 집짐승들, 말과 나귀와 낙타와 소와 양을 지독한 흑사병으로 칠 것이다. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 9장 9:3)
Mitte ergo iam nunc et congrega iumenta tua et omnia, quae habes in agro; homines enim et iumenta universa, quae inventa fuerint foris nec congregata de agris, cadet super ea grando, et morientur ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 9 9:19)
그러니 이제 사람을 보내어 너의 집짐승과 들에 있는 너의 모든 것을 안전한 곳으로 옮겨라. 미처 집 안으로 들어오지 못하고 들에 남은 사람이나 짐승은 모두 우박에 맞아 죽을 것이다.’” (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 9장 9:19)
1. Rus (ἄροτον) denotes the country, in opp. to the town or city, the village with what belongs to it; whereas ager (ἀγρός) the country, in opp. to the district in general, the open country or fields. Cels. Med. 1. Sanum oportet . . . modo ruri esse, modo in urbe, sæpiusque in agro. 2. Rusticus denotes, like ἀγροῖκος, merely residing in the country; agrestis, like ἄγριος, growing wild in the fields, like ferus, but as a milder expression, for ferus (φῆρες) denotes wildness as an inward nature; agrestis, merely as a mark of the place of residence, or of extraction. 3. In a spiritual sense, rusticus denotes more an intellectual, agrestis more a moral roughness; rusticus, like countrified, has a reference to bashfulness and uncouthness; in its best sense, it is allied to innocence; in its worst, to awkwardness; whereas agrestis, like boorish, has a reference to shamelessness and vulgarity, is never used in a good sense, but borders on feritas, and answers to the German word Flegelei, ‘churlishness.’ The rusticus, in opp. to urbanus, violates only the conventional laws of decorum; the agrestis, in opp. to humanus, the natural laws of decorum also. 4. When Cicero wishes to give to rusticus a still milder sense, and secure it from ambiguity, he adopts the word rusticanus; so that, according to him, rusticus is one who actually lives in a country-village, rusticanus, one who resembles those who live in country-villages; hence among the rusticani the municipes may be reckoned, as rusticorum similes.
1. Villa (dimin. of ἕδος) denotes a country-house, usually with a real estate; fundus, a real estate, usually with a country-house; prædium, sometimes a country-house, sometimes a real estate, like landed property. At the same time villa is an architectural term; fundus, an economical term; prædium, a juridical term. Cato, R. R. 3. Ita ædifices, ne villa fundum quærat, neve fundus villam. 2. Villa, fundus, and prædium, suppose a proprietor, like portio; whereas ager, arvum, rus, and campus, are thought of without reference to a proprietor, like pars. 3. Ager and campus denote the field, whether cultivated or not; ager (ἀγρός), the open field, in opp. to ground that is built upon, or planted with trees, consequently in opp. to urbs, oppidum, vicus, hortus, silva, like ἀγρός; whereas campus (κῆπος) denotes the low-lands and plains, like πεδίον, consequently in opp. to the high-lands, mons and collis; Cic. Div. i. 42. N. D. ii. 60. Colum. i. 2. Herenn. iv. 18. 25. Curt. viii. 1, 4. 4. Rus and arvum denote the corn-field; rus (ἄροτος) in opp. to the village or the town, like ἄρουρα; arvum, in opp. to pasture-lands and plantations, consequently in opp. to pabulum, pascuum, pratum, olivetum, Sall. Jug. 95. Cic. N. D. i. 45. Plaut. Truc. i. 2, 47. Hor. Ep. i. 16, 2. like ἄροτος. Cic. Fr. ap. Quintil. iv. 2. Fundum habet in agro Tiburino Tullius paternum. Orat. iii. 33. De fundo emendo, de agro colendo. Tac. G. 26. Arva per annos mutant, et superest ager. (iii. 5.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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