라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []


  • (pietās의 단수 탈격형) 공손한 행동으로

    형태분석: pietāt(어간) + e(어미)


3변화 자음어간 변화 명사; 여성 상위2000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: pietās, pietātis

어원: pius(경건한, 신앙심이 깊은)

  1. 공손한 행동, 의무감
  2. 양심적임, 성실함, 성실, 지조
  3. 사랑, 애정, 책임, 감사
  4. 친절, 동정, 연민, 자비
  1. Dutiful conduct, sense of duty.
  2. (to the gods) Piety, conscientiousness, scrupulousness,
  3. (to one's parents, children, relatives, country, benefactors, etc.) Duty, dutifulness, affection, love, loyalty, patriotism, gratitude.
  4. Gentleness, kindness, tenderness, pity, compassion.

격변화 정보

3변화 자음어간 변화
단수 복수
주격 pietās

공손한 행동이


공손한 행동들이

속격 pietātis

공손한 행동의


공손한 행동들의

여격 pietātī

공손한 행동에게


공손한 행동들에게

대격 pietātem

공손한 행동을


공손한 행동들을

탈격 pietāte

공손한 행동으로


공손한 행동들로

호격 pietās

공손한 행동아


공손한 행동들아


  • (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Esther, 8 8:12)

    (불가타 성경, 에스테르기, 8장 8:12)

  • Numquid pro tua pietate arguet te et veniet tecum in iudicium? (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 22 22:4)

    하느님께서 자네의 경외심 때문에 자네를 꾸짖으시겠나? 자네와 함께 법정으로 가시겠나? (불가타 성경, 욥기, 22장 22:4)

  • cum impio de pietate, cum inhonesto de honestate, cum operario otioso de omni opere, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 37 37:13)

    마음의 조언에 주의를 기울여라. 너에게 그보다 더 믿을 만한 자는 없다. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 37장 37:13)

  • Deinde considerans quod hi, qui cum pietate dormitionem acceperant, optimum haberent repositum gratiae donum: (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber II Maccabaeorum, 12 12:45)

    (불가타 성경, 마카베오기 하권, 12장 12:45)

  • Quibus quoniam pro pietate satisfecerit, habere nunc se rationem offici pro beneficiis Caesaris: monere, orare Titurium pro hospitio, ut suae ac militum saluti consulat. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, QVINTVS, XXVII 27:7)

    (카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 5권, 27장 27:7)

유의어 사전

1. Diligere (from ἀλέγειν) is love arising from esteem, and, as such, a result of reflection on the worth of the beloved object, like φιλεῖν; whereas amare is love arising from inclination, which has its ground in feeling, and is involuntary, or quite irresistible, like ἐρᾶν, ἔρασθαι; diligere denotes a purer love, which, free from sensuality and selfishness, is also more calm; amare, a warmer love, which, whether sensual or platonic, is allied to passion. Cic. Att. xiv. 17. Tantum accessit ut mihi nunc denique amare videar, ante dilexisse. Fam. xiii. 47. Brut. i. 1. Plin. Ep. iii. 9. 2. Amare means to love in general; deamare, as an intensive, to love desperately, like amore deperire; and adamare, as an inchoative, to fall in love. 3. Caritas, in an objective sense, means to be dear to some one; amor, to hold some one dear: hence the phrases, Caritas apud aliquem; amor erga aliquem. 4. Caritas, in a subjective sense, denotes any tender affection, especially that of parents towards their children, without any mixture of sensuality, and refers merely to persons, like ἀγάπη or στοργή; whereas amor denotes ardent passionate love to persons or things, like ἔρως; lastly, pietas (from ψήχω, ψίης, the instinctive love to persons and things, which we are bound to love by the holy ties of nature, the gods, those related to us by blood, one’s native country, and benefactors. Caritas rejoices in the beloved object and its possession, and shows itself in friendship and voluntary sacrifices; amor wishes evermore to get the beloved object in its power, and loves with a restless unsatisfied feeling; pietas follows a natural impulse and religious feeling. (iv. 97.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 양심적임

  2. 친절


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