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기본형: trux, trucis
남/여성 | 중성 | |||
단수 | 복수 | 단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | trux 거친 (이)가 | trucēs 거친 (이)들이 | trux 거친 (것)가 | trucia 거친 (것)들이 |
속격 | trucis 거친 (이)의 | trucium 거친 (이)들의 | trucis 거친 (것)의 | trucium 거친 (것)들의 |
여격 | trucī 거친 (이)에게 | trucibus 거친 (이)들에게 | trucī 거친 (것)에게 | trucibus 거친 (것)들에게 |
대격 | trucem 거친 (이)를 | trucēs 거친 (이)들을 | trux 거친 (것)를 | trucia 거친 (것)들을 |
탈격 | trucī 거친 (이)로 | trucibus 거친 (이)들로 | trucī 거친 (것)로 | trucibus 거친 (것)들로 |
호격 | trux 거친 (이)야 | trucēs 거친 (이)들아 | trux 거친 (것)야 | trucia 거친 (것)들아 |
원급 | 비교급 | 최상급 | |
형용사 | trux 거친 (이)가 | trucior 더 거친 (이)가 | trucissimus 가장 거친 (이)가 |
부사 | truciter | trucius | trucissimē |
제시된 형태 중 음영이 칠해진 것은 실제 코퍼스에서는 확인되지 않았고, 규칙에 의해 자동 생성된 것입니다.
licet et chorda graviore sones, quale canebas cum Titanas fulmine victos videre dei, vel cum montes montibus altis super impositi struxere gradus trucibus monstris, stetit imposita Pelion Ossa, pinifer ambos pressit Olympus, ades, o magni, soror et coniunx, consors sceptri, regia Iuno: (Seneca, Agamemnon 7:7)
(세네카, 아가멤논 7:7)
arma detraxit trucibus puellis: (Seneca, Oedipus 6:42)
(세네카, 오이디푸스 6:42)
secuti exemplum veterani haud multo post in Raetiam mittuntur, specie defendendae provinciae ob imminentis Suebos ceterum ut avellerentur castris trucibus adhuc non minus asperitate remedii quam sceleris memoria. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER I, chapter 44 44:12)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 44장 44:12)
cincta premebantur trucibus Capitolia Gallis: (P. Ovidius Naso, Fasti, book 6 6:217)
(푸블리우스 오비디우스 나소, 행사력, 6권 6:217)
nam in causa non fuisse feritatem accolarum eo apparet, quod maxime tunc trucibus et inconditis Galliae populis se inter- posuerunt. (Seneca, De Consolatione ad Helvium, Liber XII, ad Helviam matrem: de consolatione 43:5)
(세네카, , 43:5)
1. Atrox, trux, and truculentus, (from τρηχύσ, ταράξαι), denote that which has an exterior exciting fear; that which makes an impression of terror on the fancy, and eye, and ear; atrox, indeed, as a property of things, but trux and truculentus as properties of persons; whereas dirus and sævus mean that which is really an object of fear, and threatens danger; dirus, indeed (from δέος), according to its own nature, as a property of things, means dreadful, δεινός; but sævus (from αἶ, heu!) according to the character of the person, as a property of living beings, means blood-thirsty, cruel, αἰνός. Plin. Pan. 53. Atrocissima effigies sævissimi domini. Mela ii. 7. Ionium pelagus . . . atrox, sævum; that is, looking dangerous, and often enough also bringing misfortune. 2. Trux denotes dreadfulness of look, of the voice, and so forth, in the tragic or heroic sense, as a mark of a wild disposition or of a cruel purpose; but truculentus, in the ordinary and comic sense, as a mark of ill-humor or trivial passion; the slave in Plautus is truculentus; the wrathful Achilles is trux. Sometimes, however, truculentior and truculentissimus serve as the comparative and superlative of trux. 3. Trux and truculentus vultus is a terrific, angry look, like τραχύς; torvus, merely a stern, sharp, and wild look, as τορόν, or ταυρηδὸν βλέπειν. Plin. H. N. xi. 54. Contuitu quoque multiformes; truces, torvi, flagrantes. Quintil. vi. 1. 43. (i. 40.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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