라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


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  • (aemulātiō의 단수 속격형) 경쟁의

    형태분석: aemulātiōn(어간) + is(어미)


3변화 자음어간 변화 명사; 여성 자동번역 상위5000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: aemulātiō, aemulātiōnis

어원: aemulor(겨루다, 필적하다)

  1. 경쟁, 라이벌, 시합, 경기, 대항, 대회
  2. 질투, 부러움, 선망, 경쟁
  1. The endeavor to equal or another in something, emulation, ambition; rivalry, competition.
  2. Jealousy, envy, malevolence.

격변화 정보

3변화 자음어간 변화
단수 복수
주격 aemulātiō




속격 aemulātiōnis




여격 aemulātiōnī




대격 aemulātiōnem




탈격 aemulātiōne




호격 aemulātiō





  • aequiperatio ipsa plerumque et parilitas virtutum inter sese consimilium, etiamsi contentionis studium et voluntas abest, speciem tamen aemulationis creat. (Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, A. Gellii Noctium Atticarum Liber Quartus Decimus, III 9:2)

    (아울루스 겔리우스, 아테네의 밤, , 9:2)

  • at Gotarzes ne quid aemulationis existeret penitus in Hyrcaniam abiit. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XI, chapter 9 9:8)

    (코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 9장 9:8)

  • et Vologeses, quo bellum ex commodo pararet, an ut aemulationis suspectos per nomen obsidum amoveret, tradit nobilissimos ex familia Arsacidarum. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XIII, chapter 9 9:2)

    (코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 9장 9:2)

  • inrisere plerique impudentiam aemulationis; (Cornelius Tacitus, Historiae, LIBER II, chapter 91 91:10)

    (코르넬리우스 타키투스, 역사, , 91장 91:10)

  • confido tamen haec quoque tibi non minus grata quam ipsos libros futura, quae te non tantum ad legendos eos verum etiam ad simile aliquid elaborandum possunt aemulationis stimulis excitare. (Pliny the Younger, Letters, book 3, letter 5 20:2)

    (소 플리니우스, 편지들, 3권, 20:2)

유의어 사전

1. Imitari means merely the effort to produce something like some other thing, without any accessory moral notion; æmulari (from αἴσιμος) means, at the same time, to do something which shall gain equal or superior consideration, honor, and approbation, when compared with the thing imitated. Imitatio has in view only the thing itself, and is generally moderate and laudable; æmulatio has in view chiefly the person, who is already in possession of the quality worthy of imitation, and always seems more or less a passion, which deserves praise or blame, according as it has its foundation in the lover of honor, or in immoderate ambition. Plin. Ep. vii. 30. Demosthenis orationem habui in manibus, non ut æmularer (improbum enim ac pæne furiosum) at tamen imitarer ac sequerer tantum. Comp. i. 2, 2. viii. 5, 13. Quintil. i. 2, 26. Cic. Tusc. iv. 8, 17. 2. The æmulus is at first behind his opponent, and strives for a time only to come up to him, and be like him; whereas the certator and concertator are already on a par with their opponent, and strive to outdo him, and conquer him. 3. Æmulatio contends for superiority in any art; rivalitas, only for preference in estimation. Cic. Tusc. iv. 26, 56. Illa vitiosa æmulatione, quæ rivalitati similis est, quid habet utilitatis? 4. Imitatio is an effort to become something which a man at present is not, but fain would be, and really can become; whereas simulatio, an effort to pass for something which a man properly and naturally is not, nor ever can be. Imitatio is the means of attaining to an actual or presumptive ideal; whereas simulatio remains for ever a mere counterfeit. (iii. 64.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 질투


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