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기본형: cīvitās, cīvitātis
et subvertit civitates has et omnem circa regionem, universos habitatores urbium et cuncta terrae virentia. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 19 19:25)
그리하여 그 성읍들과 온 들판과 그 성읍의 모든 주민, 그리고 땅 위에 자란 것들을 모두 멸망시키셨다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 19장 19:25)
Cum enim subverteret Deus civitates regionis illius, recordatus Abrahae liberavit Lot de subversione urbium, in quibus habitaverat. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 19 19:29)
하느님께서 그 들판의 성읍들을 멸망시키실 때, 아브라함을 기억하셨다. 그래서 롯이 살고 있던 성읍들을 멸망시키실 때, 롯을 그 멸망의 한가운데에서 내보내 주셨다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 19장 19:29)
Cumque profecti essent, terror Dei invasit omnes per circuitum civitates, et non sunt ausi persequi filios Iacob. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 35 35:5)
그들이 길을 가는 동안 하느님께서 내리신 공포가 그들 주위의 성읍들을 휘감아, 아무도 야곱의 아들들을 뒤쫓지 못하였다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 35장 35:5)
Vos autem dispergam in gentes et evaginabo post vos gladium; eritque terra vestra deserta et civitates dirutae. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 26 26:33)
나는 너희를 민족들 사이로 흩어 버리며 너희 뒤로 칼을 빼어 휘두르겠다. 그리하여 너희 땅은 황폐해지고 너희 성읍들은 폐허가 될 것이다. (불가타 성경, 레위기, 26장 26:33)
Tulit ergo Israel omnes civitates eius et habitavit in urbibus Amorraei, in Hesebon scilicet et viculis eius. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Numeri, 21 21:25)
이스라엘은 그곳의 모든 성읍을 점령하고, 헤스본과 거기에 딸린 모든 마을을 포함한 아모리인들의 모든 성읍에 자리를 잡았다. (불가타 성경, 민수기, 21장 21:25)
1. Gens and natio denote a people, in a physical sense, in the description of nations, as a society originating in common descent and relationship, without any apparent reference to civilization; whereas populus and civitas denote a people in a political sense, as a society formed by civilization and compact. Sall. Cat. 10, 1. Nationes feræ et populi ingentes subacti. Cic. Rep. i. 25. 2. Gens (γενετή) includes all people of the same descent, like φῦλον; natio (from γνήσιος) a single colony of the same, like ἔθνος. Vell. P. ii. 98. Omnibus ejus gentis nationibus in arma accensis. Tac. G. 2, 38. But as gens, in this physical sense, as the complex term for several colonies, has a more comprehensive meaning than natio, so has it, at the same time, in its political accessory meaning, as a clan, γένος, or as the complex term for several families, a narrower meaning than populus; hence sometimes populus forms, as a civilized natio, a part of the natural gens. Liv. iv. 49. Bolanis suæ gentis populo, and Virg. A. x. 202; sometimes gens, as a political society, forms a part of populus: Justin. vii. 1. Adunatis gentibus variorum populorum. 3. Civitas (from κείω) denotes the citizens of a town collectively, πόλις, merely with regard to their interior connection, as including the inhabitants who are in the enjoyment of the full rights of citizenship, and the lawful possessors of the land; populus (redupl. of πόλις) means the people, δῆμος, more commonly in reference to their social relations, interior and exterior, and with the included notion of belonging to the state. A people can determine upon war as a civitas; but can carry it on only as a populus. A civitas is necessarily stationary; but a populus may consist of Nomades, or wanderers from one pasture to another.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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