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기본형: cumulus, cumulī
augere cumulus hic voluptatem potest, (Seneca, Thyestes 996:1)
(세네카, 996:1)
Secundum hanc Sabini interpretationem templa quidem ac delubra - quia horum cumulus in vituperationem non cadit, ut illorum quorum laus in modo extat - , quae non volgo ac temere, sed cum castitate caerimoniaque adeundum, et reverenda et reformidanda sunt magis quam involganda; (Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, Liber Quartus, IX 10:1)
(아울루스 겔리우스, 아테네의 밤, , 10:1)
Liras autem rustici vocant easdem porcas, cum sic aratum est ut inter duos latius distantes sulcos medius cumulus siccam sedem frumentis praebeat. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 2, chapter 4 8:5)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 2권, 4장 8:5)
super hos ex prae- torio auxiliisque mille equites, cumulus prosperis aut subsidium laborantibus, ducebantur. (Cornelius Tacitus, Historiae, LIBER II, chapter 24 24:10)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 역사, , 24장 24:10)
cui gloriae amplior adhuc ex oportunitate cumulus accessit. (C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Vita Caesarum, Tiberius, chapter 17 1:1)
(가이우스 수에토니우스 트란퀼루스, 황제전, , 17장 1:1)
1. Acervus and congeries mean ‘heaps’ of homogeneous things collected and piled up in layers; acervus [from ἀγείρω], like σωρός, with arrangement, and mostly in a conical shape, but congeries, negligently, and altogether without regard to shape; strues denotes that something new is produced, and a determinate form given, serving a particular purpose; like θημών. Curt. viii. 7. 11. Passim acervos struesque accendebant; meaning by acervos ‘heaps’ or ‘piles,’ by strues ‘stacks’ of wood. 2. Cumulus (from ἀκμή) means strictly, not the heap itself, but the top, by which the heap is completed as a whole, like the key-stone, by which any thing first reaches its proper and complete height, almost like κορυφή; and it has this meaning particularly in cumulare, which is like κορυφοῦν. Compare Liv. xxii. 59. Superstantes cumulis cæsorum corporum, with Cannenses campos acervi Romanorum corporum tegunt: and xxiii. 5. Molibus ex humanorum corporum strue faciendis. (ii. 118.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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