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기본형: nex, necis
Saulus autem erat consentiens neci eius. Facta est autem in illa die persecutio magna in ecclesiam, quae erat Hierosolymis; et omnes dispersi sunt per regiones Iudaeae et Samariae praeter apostolos. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Actus Apostolorum, 8 8:1)
사울은 스테파노를 죽이는 일에 찬동하고 있었다. 그날부터 예루살렘 교회는 큰 박해를 받기 시작하였다. 그리하여 사도들 말고는 모두 유다와 사마리아 지방으로 흩어졌다. (불가타 성경, 사도행전, 8장 8:1)
Neci mora, cum omnibus illis cibariis vasculis raptim remotis, laciniis cunctis suis renudata, crinibus quam dissolutis ad hilarem lasciviam in speciem Veneris quae marinos fluctus subit pulchre reformata, paulisper etiam glabellum femina rosea palmula potius obumbrans de industria quam tegens verecundia, (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 2 17:1)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 2권 17:1)
"iste deus et auctorem suum propitius ubique comitabitur amanter neci unquam patietur ut ex animo doleas, sed frontem tuam serena venustate lactabit assidue." (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 3 10:6)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 3권 10:6)
"neci istud factum putes ulla benivolentia, sed ut ei redeunti medela salubri possem subsistere." (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 3 20:11)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 3권 20:11)
Neci tam immanibus contenta mendaciis addebat sibi quoque ob detectum flagitium eundem illum gladium comminari. (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 10 5:6)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 10권 5:6)
1. Mors and letum denote a natural death; mors (μόρος) the usual expression in a merely physical sense, as the way to corruption, like θάνατος; letum (from λαχεῖν, λάχεσις,) the select and solemn expression, as the lot of death, like οἶτος; whereas nex (from νεκρός) a violent death, as the passive of cædes. 2. Mors, letum, nex, are proper, whereas obitus and interitus only softer, expressions. Obitus, decease, denotes, like exitus, a natural death; whereas interitus, together with perire, usually denotes, like exitium, a violent death. Plin. Ep. iii. 7. Silius ultimus ex Neronianis consularibus obiit, quo consule Nero periit. Plaut. Epid. iii. 4, 56. Malo cruciatu pereas, atque obeas cito. 3. Perire represents death as destruction and corruption; interire as a vanishing, so that the former applies more to the body, the latter to the soul. Plaut. Capt. iii. 5, 32. Qui per virtutem periit, at non interit; that is, he who dies a noble death, though his body perishes, still lives in name and posthumous renown. Further, perire denotes a sudden and violent death, particularly by self-murder; interire, a gradual and painful, but, it may be, also a peaceful, death. Tac. Ann. xv. 44. Et pereuntibus Christianis addita ludibria, ut ferarum tergis contecti laniatu canum interirent. Serv. ap. Cic. Fam. iv. 5. Si quis nostrum interiit, aut occisus est. 4. Obire mortem denotes to die, as a physical event, by which one ends all suffering; whereas oppetere mortem denotes to die, as a moral act, in as far as a man, if he does not seek death, at any rate awaits it with firmness and contempt of it. 5. Demori denotes to die off, as one belonging to a society, and thereby to occasion a vacancy; intermori, to be apparently dying, to be sick of a lingering disease, like ἐκθανεῖν; emori, to die entirely, in opp. to a mere semblance of life in misfortune, slavery, and disgrace, like πανδίκωσ θανεῖν. Cic. Pis. 7. Ut emori potius quam servire præstaret. (iii. 182.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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