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기본형: facinus, facinoris
Non stabit testis unus contra aliquem, quidquid illius peccatum vel facinus fuerit; sed in ore duorum aut trium testium stabit omne verbum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Deuteronomii, 19 19:15)
“어떤 사람이 저지르는 모든 잘못과 관련하여, 그의 어떤 죄나 잘못이든지, 증인 한 사람만으로는 그 증언이 성립되지 못하고, 증인 둘이나 셋의 증언이 있어야 유죄가 성립된다. (불가타 성경, 신명기, 19장 19:15)
accurrit Achillēs et dīrum facinus facit. (Oxford Latin Course I, The death of Hector 8:25)
Achilles는 달려가서 끔찍한 짓을 한다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 8:25)
et quicumque ille in hoc facinore fuerit deprehensus, comburetur igni cum omnibus, quae ipsius sunt, quoniam praevaricatus est pactum Domini et fecit nefas in Israel ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iosue, 7 7:15)
그래서 완전 봉헌물을 가지고 있다가 제비로 뽑히는 자는, 그에게 딸린 모든 이와 더불어 불에 태워야 한다. 그가 주님의 계약을 어기고 이스라엘에서 추잡한 짓을 저질렀기 때문이다.” (불가타 성경, 여호수아기, 7장 7:15)
Telae eorum non erunt in vestimentum, neque operientur operibus suis; opera eorum opera iniquitatis, et facinora violentiae in manibus eorum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 59 59:6)
그들이 쳐 놓은 줄은 옷이 되지 못하고 그들이 만든 것으로는 제 몸을 덮지 못한다. 그들의 행실들은 악한 행실일 뿐이고 그들의 손바닥에는 폭행만이 들어 있다. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 59장 59:6)
Quod non fore dicto audientes neque signa laturi dicantur, nihil se ea re commoveri: scire enim, quibuscumque exercitus dicto audiens non fuerit, aut male re gesta fortunam defuisse aut aliquo facinore comperto avaritiam esse convictam. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, PRIMVS, XL 40:12)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 1권, 40장 40:12)
1. Delictum and peccatum denote the lighter sort of offences; delictum, more the transgression of positive laws, from levity; peccatum (from παχύς), rather of the laws of nature and reason, from indiscretion. 2. A synonyme and as it were a circumlocution of the above words is malefactum; whereas maleficium and facinus involve a direct moral reference; maleficium is any misdeed which, as springing from evil intention, deserves punishment; but facinus, a crime which, in addition to the evil intention, excites astonishment and alarm from the extraordinary degree of daring requisite thereto. 3. There are as many sorts of evil deeds, as there are of duties, against oneself, against others, against the gods; flagitium (from βλαγίς) is an offence against oneself, against one’s own honor, by gluttony, licentiousness, cowardice; in short, by actions which are not the consequence of unbridled strength, but of moral weakness, as evincing ignavia, and incurring shame; whereas scelus (σκληρόν) is an offence against others, against the right of individuals, or the peace of society, by robbery, murder, and particularly by sedition, by the display, in short, of malice; nefas (ἄφατον) is an offence against the gods, or against nature, by blasphemy, sacrilege, murder of kindred, betrayal of one’s country; in short, by the display of impietas, an impious outrage. Tac. G. 12. (ii. 139.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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