라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


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  • (praeditus의 여성 복수 대격형)

    형태분석: praedit(어간) + ās(어미)


1/2변화 형용사; 상위5000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: praeditus, praedita, praeditum

어원: prae(~앞에, ~에 앞서) + datus(선물, 재능)

  1. (frequent, Classical, construed with the ablative) endowed, gifted, or provided with, possessed of something (above others)
  2. (post-Augustean, of a deity, construed with the dative) placed or set over, presiding over any thing


  • Denegare autem iurationem qualibet fide praeditas mentes, quanto magis fide Christiana, non dico aliquid contrarium confirmare, sed omnino dubitare, fas non est. (Augustine, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., 33. (A. D. 411 Epist. CXXVI) Dominae Sanctae Ac Venerabili Famulae Dei Albinae Augustinus In Domino salutem 11:1)

    (아우구스티누스, 편지들, 11:1)

  • tum enim censet imagines divinitate praeditas inesse in universitate rerum, tum principia mentis quae sunt in eodem universo deos esse dicit, tum animantes imagines quae vel prodesse nobis solent vel nocere, tum ingentes quasdam imagines tantasque ut universum mundum conplectantur extrinsecus. (M. Tullius Cicero, De Natura Deorum, LIBER PRIMUS 121:2)

    (마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 신의 본질에 관하여, 121:2)

  • Teloboae contra ex oppido legiones educunt suas nimis pulcris armis praeditas. (T. Maccius Plautus, Amphitruo, act 1, scene 1 2:42)

    (티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 2:42)

  • Dominantes in potestatibus suis, homines magni virtute et prudentia sua praediti, nuntiantes in prophetiis, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 44 44:3)

    그들은 자신들의 왕국에서 다스리던 이들과 권세로 이름을 떨친 사람들, 지각으로 조언자가 된 이들과 예언을 선포한 이들이다. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 44장 44:3)

  • Atque ille non ita amplis rebus patris gestis neque tam excellenti dignitate maiorum parta neque tantis clientelis nominisque claritate praeditus in rem publicam est ingressus. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO AFRICO 22:6)

    (카이사르, 아프리카 전기 22:6)

유의어 사전

1. Præditus (præ-θετός) refers to a distinction which sheds lustre; instructus and exstructus to a qualification which attests usefulness; ornatus refers to both, for ornamentum is not, on the one side, that which is merely of use, like instrumentum, nor, on the other, that which is merely for show, like decus, but that which is of such eminent utility as to be prized even as an ornament. Instructus paints the qualification, etc., as a perfection which protects and secures; ornatus, as an accomplishment of an imposing nature. It is only in a higher point of view, and with reference to ideal claims, that ornatus is considered as a want; but, according to ordinary pretensions, it passes for a distinction of life. Cic. Phil. x. 4. Græcia copiis non instructa solum, sed etiam ornata. Sen. Tranq. 9. Sicut plerisque libri non studiorum instrumenta, sed cœnationum ornamenta sunt. 2. Instructus refers to persons and things, which act either offensively or defensively; exstructus to things which are for the most part only destined to be acted upon; for example, we say, instructæ naves but exstructæ mensæ. The exstructa are absolutely ready; the instructa are only relatively so, only fully prepared to be employed according to their destination. (iii. 260.) 3. Instructus refers to the possession of the means; paratus to the readiness of the possessor to employ them. (vi. 175.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. endowed

    • adfectus (부여받은, 주어진, 소유한)


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