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기본형: stipula, stipulae
sic alibi "horrescit strictis seges ensibus". pingues autem ef- ficit terras, ut paulo post dicturus est, cinis, intermissio arandi, in- censio stipularum, stercoratio. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Georgics of Vergil, book 1, commline 1 2:3)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , 1권, 2:3)
nil mirum nec in orbe novum, didicere priores perpessi plerumque famem, si tabidus aër siccavit tenues ardenti sidere nubes nec vernas infudit aquas creberrimus imber fruge nova et viridi, si messis adulta priusquam conceptas tenero solidaret lacte medullas, adflatum calido sucum contraxit ab euro ieiunosque tulit calamos atque inrita vota agricolae sterilis stipularum silva fefellit. (Prudentius, Contra Symmachum, book 2, section 2 2:334)
(프루덴티우스, , 2권, 2:334)
"faxo ego, sub pedibus stipularum more teratur invalida ista manus;" (Prudentius, Psychomachia, section 1 2:64)
(프루덴티우스, , 2:64)
Aliae quoque septem tenues et percussae vento urente oriebantur e stipula; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 41 41:23)
그런데 그 뒤를 이어 딱딱하고 야위고 샛바람에 바싹 마른 이삭 일곱이 솟아났다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 41장 41:23)
" Nequaquam ultra dabitis paleas populo ad conficiendos lateres sicut prius, sed ipsi vadant et colligant stipulas. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 5 5:7)
“너희는 벽돌을 만드는 데 쓰는 짚을 더 이상 예전처럼 저 백성에게 대 주지 마라. 그들이 직접 가서 짚을 모아 오게 하여라. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 5장 5:7)
1. Culmus means the stalk, with reference to its slender height, especially of corn; calamus (κάλαμος) with reference to its hollowness, especially of reeds. 2. Culmus means the stalk of corn, as bearing the ear, as the body the head, as an integral part of the whole; stipula, as being compared with the ear, a worthless and useless part of the whole, as stubble. 3. Spica is the full ear, the fruit of the corn-stalk, without respect to its shape, arista, the prickly ear, the tip or uppermost part of the stalk, without respect to its substance, sometimes merely the prickles. Quintil. i. 3, 5. Imitatæ spicas herbulæ inanibus aristis ante messem flavescunt. 4. Calamus, as a reed, is the general term; arundo (from ῥοδανός) is a longer and stronger reed; canna (from κανών?) a smaller and thinner reed. Colum. iv. 32. Ea est arundineti senectus, cum ita densatum est, ut gracilis et cannæ similis arundo prodeat. (v. 219.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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