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기본형: fidēs, fideī
Iura ergo per Deum, ne noceas mihi et posteris meis stirpique meae; sed iuxta fidem, quam feci tibi, facies mihi et terrae, in qua versatus es advena". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 21 21:23)
그러니 이제 그대는 나와 내 자식들과 내 후손들을 속이지 않고, 오히려 내가 그대에게 호의를 베푼 것처럼, 나와 그리고 그대가 나그네살이하는 이 땅을 그렇게 대해 줄 것을 여기에서 하느님을 두고 나에게 맹세해 주시오.” (불가타 성경, 창세기, 21장 21:23)
Dominus autem retribuet unicuique secundum iustitiam suam et fidem; tradidit enim te Dominus hodie in manu mea, et nolui extendere manum meam in christum Domini. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Samuelis, 26 26:23)
주님은 누구에게나 그 의로움과 진실을 되갚아 주시는 분이십니다. 오늘 주님께서 임금님을 제 손에 넘겨주셨지만, 저는 주님의 기름부음받은이에게 손을 대려 하지 않았습니다. (불가타 성경, 사무엘기 상권, 26장 26:23)
Affligetur malo, qui fidem facit pro extraneo; qui autem odit sponsores, securus erit. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 11 11:15)
낯선 이의 보증을 서면 고생하지만 담보 서기를 싫어하면 탈이 없다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 11장 11:15)
quoniam invenitur ab his, qui non tentant illum, se autem manifestat eis, qui fidem habent in illum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Sapientiae, 1 1:2)
주님께서는 당신을 시험하지 않는 이들을 만나 주시고 당신을 불신하지 않는 이들에게 당신 자신을 드러내 보이신다. (불가타 성경, 지혜서, 1장 1:2)
Fidem posside cum amico in paupertate illius, ut et in bonis illius communices; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 22 22:28)
(불가타 성경, 집회서, 22장 22:28)
Chorda (χορδή is a single string; fides (σφιδή) in the sing. and plur. means a complete collection of strings, or a string-instrument.
; Audacia; Audentia. 1. Fides and fidelitas mean the fidelity which a man himself observes towards others; fides, in a more general sense, like πίστις, the keeping of one’s word and assurance from conscientiousness, together with the reliance of others upon us as springing from this quality, the credit we possess; fidelitas denotes, in a more special sense, like πιστότης, the faithful adherence to persons to whom we have once devoted ourselves; whereas fiducia and confidentia denote the trust we place in others; fiducia, the laudable trust in things, in which we actually can trust, which is allied to the courage of trusting in ourselves, in opp. to timor; Cic. Div. ii. 31. Plin. Ep. v. 17, like θάρσος; but confidentia denotes a blamable blind trust, particularly in one’s own strength, in opp. to foresight and discretion, and which converts spirit into presumption, like θράσος. 5. Fiducia and confidentia have their foundation in trusting to the prosperous issue of anything; audacia and audentia, in the contempt of danger; audacia sometimes means a laudable boldness, as a word of higher import than fiducia; sometimes a blamable boldness, as a civil term for temeritas, like τόλμα; but audentia is always a laudable spirit of enterprise. Juven. xiii. 108. Quum magna malæ superest audacia causæ, creditur a multis fiducia. Sen. Ep. 87. Quæ bona sunt, fiduciam faciunt, divitiæ audaciam. (v. 256.)
Religio (from ἀλέγειν) is conscientiousness, on the ground of an inward obligation, through the conscience; fides (from πιθεῖν) on the ground of an outward obligation, through a promise. (vi. 268.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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