- 라틴어-한국어 사전

라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


1변화 동사; 자동번역 상위5000위 고전 발음: [키:도:] 교회 발음: [치:도:]

기본형: trucīdō, trucīdāre, trucīdāvī, trucīdātum

어원: trux(거친, 거센) +SAC-

  1. 자르다, 도살하다, 죽이다
  2. 파괴하다, 파멸시키다, 헐다, 허물다
  1. I slaughter, cut to pieces, kill in a cruel way.
  2. I demolish, destroy, ruin.

활용 정보



  • Et ait rex ad Doeg: " Convertere tu et irrue in sacerdotes ". Conversusque Doeg Idumaeus irruit in sacerdotes; et trucidavit in die illa octoginta quinque viros vestitos ephod lineo. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Samuelis, 22 22:18)

    임금이 도엑에게 “네가 돌아서서 이 사제들을 쳐라.” 하고 명령하자, 에돔 사람 도엑은 돌아서서 그 사제들을 쳤다. 그날 그는 아마포 에폿을 걸친 사람 여든다섯 명을 죽였다. (불가타 성경, 사무엘기 상권, 22장 22:18)

  • Et convocabunt contra te congregationem et lapidabunt te lapidibus et trucidabunt te gladiis suis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Prophetia Ezechielis, 16 16:40)

    그들은 패거리를 몰고 올라와서, 너에게 돌을 던지고 칼로 너를 토막 낼 것이다. (불가타 성경, 에제키엘서, 16장 16:40)

  • vasa gloriae eius captiva abducta sunt, trucidati sunt parvuli eius in plateis eius, iuvenes eius in gladio inimicorum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Maccabaeorum, 2 2:9)

    (불가타 성경, 마카베오기 상권, 2장 2:9)

  • Et vidit Matthathias et zelatus est, et contremuerunt renes eius; et attulit iram secundum iudicium et insiliens trucidavit eum super aram. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Maccabaeorum, 2 2:24)

    (불가타 성경, 마카베오기 상권, 2장 2:24)

  • et iussit militibus interficere occursantes nemini parcendo et eos, qui in domos ascenderent, trucidare. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber II Maccabaeorum, 5 5:12)

    (불가타 성경, 마카베오기 하권, 5장 5:12)

유의어 사전

Interficere and perimere are the most general expressions for putting to death, in whatever manner, and from whatever motive, fame, veneno, suspendio, ferro, suppliciis, dolo, like κτείνειν; but interficere as a usual, perimere as an old, forcible, poetical expression. Interimere involves the accessory notion of privacy, as to remove out of the way; ἀναιρεῖν; necare, that of injustice, or, at least, cruelty, to murder, φονεύειν. Cic. Tusc. v. 20. Dionysius alterum jussit interfici, quia viam demonstravisset interimendi sui. Curt. ix. 7, 8. Boxum protinus placuit interfici; Biconem etiam per cruciatus necari. 2. Occidere, jugulare, trucidare, obtruncare, percutere, denote a sanguinary death-blow; occidere means by cutting down, especially the business of the soldier in honorable open battle; jugulare, by cutting the throat or neck, or rather by a skilfully-directed thrust into the collar-bone, especially the business of the bandit, after the pattern of the gladiator, like σφᾶξαι; obtruncare means to butcher, massacre, and cut to pieces, after the manner of the awkward murderer; trucidare, to slaughter as one would a steer, after the manner of the blood-thirsty miscreant, who, without meeting with resistance, plays the hero on the defenceless; percutere, to execute, as a mere mechanical act, after the manner of the headsman, or other executioner of a sentence of condemnation, or, at least, of a death-warrant. Senec. Contr. iii. 21. Nec dominum occidit, nec domino venenum dedit. Hor. Ep. i. 2. Ut jugulent hominem, surgunt de nocte latrones. Sallust. Fr. Cæteri vice pecorum obtruncantur; so that you may see a mangled mass of limbs, as in the heap of slain in a battle. Tac. Hist. . . . Juberet interfici; offerre se corpora iræ; trucidaret. Cic. Cat. iv. 6. and Rosc. Am. 34. Cujus consilio occisus sit invenio; cujus manu percussus sit non invenio. (iii. 181.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 자르다

    • obtruncō (죽이다, 파괴하다, 자르다)
    • occīdō (자르다, 죽이다, 도살하다)
  2. 파괴하다

    • dēstruō (파괴하다, 파멸시키다, 넘어뜨리다)
    • exscindō (파괴하다, 헐다, 허물다)
    • disturbō (파괴하다, 헐다, 허물다)
    • perdō (파괴하다, 망치다)
    • labefactō (파괴하다, 파멸시키다, 망치다)
    • disperdō (파괴하다, 파멸시키다, 멸망시키다)
    • dēperdō (황폐화되다, 망하다 )
    • concīdō (파괴하다, 파멸시키다, 망치다)
    • dīruō (파괴하다, 헐다, 허물다)
    • sepeliō (파괴하다, 폐허로 만들다, 압도하다)
    • incendō (파괴하다, 붕괴시키다, 황폐하게 하다)
    • dēmōliō (파괴하다, 부수다, 폐지하다)
    • prōruō (파괴하다, 헐다)







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