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기본형: vindicta, vindictae
Humilia valde spiritum tuum, quoniam vindicta carnis impii ignis et vermis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 7 7:19)
지혜롭고 착한 아내를 버리지 마라. 그의 아름다움은 금보다 뛰어나다. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 7장 7:19)
Illusio et improperium superbo, et vindicta sicut leo insidiabitur illi. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 27 27:31)
(불가타 성경, 집회서, 27장 27:31)
Et exquisierunt omnes nequitias, usque dum perveniret super illos vindicta. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 47 47:31)
(불가타 성경, 집회서, 47장 47:31)
ut superducerem indignationem meam et vindicta ulciscerer, dedi sanguinem eius super petram limpidissimam, ne operiretur. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Prophetia Ezechielis, 24 24:8)
내 화가 타올라 원수를 갚으려고 그 피가 덮이지 못하도록 내가 맨바위 위에 그것을 쏟아 놓았다. (불가타 성경, 에제키엘서, 24장 24:8)
Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod fecerunt Palaestini in vindicta et ulti se sunt toto animo interficientes et implentes inimicitias sempiternas, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Prophetia Ezechielis, 25 25:15)
주 하느님께서 이렇게 말씀하신다. “필리스티아인들은 복수심에 차서 보복하였다. 옛날부터 품어 온 적개심으로 다 파괴해 버리려고, 악의에 가득 찬 마음으로 복수를 자행하였다. (불가타 성경, 에제키엘서, 25장 25:15)
1. Vindicta (ἀναδέκτης) is an act of justice, like avenging: ultio (ἀλαλκεῖν, ἀλέξειν), an act of anger, like revenge; talio (τλῆναι), an act of retaliation. 2. Ultio, vindicatio, and talio, take place in consequence of the supreme authority of an individual; punitio, mulctatio, and castigatio, in consequence of the demand of others; pœna (ποινή, πεῖνα, πένομαι), as a punishment which the violated and offended law demands, by any mode of suffering; mulcta (μαλάξαι) as an amercement, which justice and equity demand, as a compensation for injuries done, especially a fine; castigatio, as a chastisement, which may serve to improve the individual, especially a rebuke. Pœna is for the general good; mulcta, for the good of the injured party; castigatio, for that of the guilty party. (v. 249.) 3. Pœnire means to punish, according to the principles of justice; whereas puniri, in Cicero, to take vengeance into one’s own hands.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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