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기본형: maleficium, maleficiī
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | maleficium 범죄가 | maleficia 범죄들이 |
속격 | maleficiī, maleficī 범죄의 | maleficiōrum 범죄들의 |
여격 | maleficiō 범죄에게 | maleficiīs 범죄들에게 |
대격 | maleficium 범죄를 | maleficia 범죄들을 |
탈격 | maleficiō 범죄로 | maleficiīs 범죄들로 |
호격 | maleficium 범죄야 | maleficia 범죄들아 |
Nec poterant malefici stare coram Moyse propter ulcera, quae in illis erant et in omni terra Aegypti. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 9 9:11)
요술사들과 모든 이집트인에게 종기가 생겨, 요술사들도 종기 때문에 모세 앞에 서 있을 수가 없었다. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 9장 9:11)
Venient tibi duo haec subito in die una, orbitas et viduitas; repente venerunt super te propter multitudinem maleficiorum tuorum, propter abundantiam incantationum tuarum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 47 47:9)
그러나 이 두 가지가 한날에 갑자기 너에게 들이닥치리라. 너의 그 많은 마술에도, 너의 그 강력한 주술에도 자녀들을 잃고 과부 신세가 되는 일이 여지없이 너에게 들이닥치리라. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 47장 47:9)
Sta cum incantationibus tuis et cum multitudine maleficiorum tuorum, in quibus laborasti ab adulescentia tua: forte poteris iuvari, forte terrebis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 47 47:12)
그러니 네가 젊어서부터 애써 익혀 온 너의 그 주술들과 그 많은 마술들을 가지고 나서 보아라. 어쩌면 네가 도움을 얻을 수 있을지도 모르고 어쩌면 네가 위협하여 쫓아낼 수 있을지도 모르지. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 47장 47:12)
Hoc propter multitudinem fornicationum meretricis speciosae et gratae et habentis maleficia, quae vendidit gentes fornicationibus suis et nationes maleficiis suis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Prophetia Nahum, 3 3:4)
(불가타 성경, 나훔서, 3장 3:4)
Quod ante Caesari portas praeclusissent, illo beneficio suum maleficium existimabant se lucrificare. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO HISPANIENSI 36:2)
(카이사르, 히스파니아 전기 36:2)
1. Delictum and peccatum denote the lighter sort of offences; delictum, more the transgression of positive laws, from levity; peccatum (from παχύς), rather of the laws of nature and reason, from indiscretion. 2. A synonyme and as it were a circumlocution of the above words is malefactum; whereas maleficium and facinus involve a direct moral reference; maleficium is any misdeed which, as springing from evil intention, deserves punishment; but facinus, a crime which, in addition to the evil intention, excites astonishment and alarm from the extraordinary degree of daring requisite thereto. 3. There are as many sorts of evil deeds, as there are of duties, against oneself, against others, against the gods; flagitium (from βλαγίς) is an offence against oneself, against one’s own honor, by gluttony, licentiousness, cowardice; in short, by actions which are not the consequence of unbridled strength, but of moral weakness, as evincing ignavia, and incurring shame; whereas scelus (σκληρόν) is an offence against others, against the right of individuals, or the peace of society, by robbery, murder, and particularly by sedition, by the display, in short, of malice; nefas (ἄφατον) is an offence against the gods, or against nature, by blasphemy, sacrilege, murder of kindred, betrayal of one’s country; in short, by the display of impietas, an impious outrage. Tac. G. 12. (ii. 139.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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