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기본형: dēdecus, dēdecoris
Hos quidem diutius in nostro conspectu gloriari magno nobis et dedecori et dolori est. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 15:6)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 15:6)
ita specie pietatis obviam itum dedecori. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XIII, chapter 5 5:5)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 5장 5:5)
noctes quoque dedecori adiectas ne quod tempus pudori relinquatur, sed coetu promisco, quod perditissimus quisque per diem concupiverit, per tenebras audeat. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XIV, chapter 20 20:9)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 20장 20:9)
alioquin ridiculum et plenum dedecori referteo marsuppio, quod sudarium orariumque non habeas, gloriari. (Jerome, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., Ad Nepotianum Phesbyterum 9:5)
(히에로니무스, 편지들, 9:5)
Laniare deinde os unguibus et circumstantes rogare, ne se tanto dedecori superstitem esse paterentur. (Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, book 8, chapter 2 6:2)
(쿠르티우스 루푸스, 퀸투스, 알렉산드로스 대왕 전기, 8권, 2장 6:2)
1. Ignominia deprives one of political honor, which is independent of the reports circulated concerning a man, and is the consequence of an official denunciation, the justice of which is supposed; that of the censor, for example, like ἀτιμία; whereas infamia deprives one of moral honor, of one’s good name, has a reference to public scorn, and is the consequence of shameless and dishonorable conduct, like δυσφημία. 2. Ignominia and infamia are abstract, and denote subjective states; dedecus and probrum are concrete, and denote, objectively, disgrace itself; dedecus is a deviation from the conduct that becomes a man of honor, from whom noble actions are expected; probrum is a stain on the morality of a man, from whom, at least, irreproachable conduct is expected. Dedecus is incurred generally in our public relations, by abjectness of spirit, etc.; probrum, in our private relations, by licentiousness, etc. 3. Probrum (from προφέρω is reproach, as far as it can justly be made; opprobrium, reproach, as far as it actually is made. In probrum the disgrace itself is more considered; in opprobrium, the open proclamation of it.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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