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기본형: culmus, culmī
Est etiam non ingrati saporis muria perduratus, atque ita malini ligni vel culmi fumo coloratus. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 7, chapter 8 7:5)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 7권, 8장 7:5)
Ea porro sic debet fieri, ne radices satorum laedantur et ut potius adobruantur cumulisque exaggerentur, ut latius se frutex culmi diffundat. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 2, chapter 11 8:2)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 2권, 11장 8:2)
Quod si falcibus seges cum parte culmi demessa sit, protinus in acervum vel in nubilar congeritur et subinde opportunius solibustorrefacta proteritur. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 2, chapter 20 3:3)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 2권, 20장 3:3)
esset comesset, consumeret, ut "est mollis flamma me- dullas". robigo autem genus est vitii, quo culmi pereunt, quod a rusticanis calamitas dicitur. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Georgics of Vergil, book 1, commline 151 140:1)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , 1권, 140:1)
nam proprie spicus est, cum per culmi folliculum, id est extremum tumorem, aristae adhuc tenues in modum spiculi emi- nent. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Georgics of Vergil, book 1, commline 314 275:2)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , 1권, 275:2)
1. Culmus means the stalk, with reference to its slender height, especially of corn; calamus (κάλαμος) with reference to its hollowness, especially of reeds. 2. Culmus means the stalk of corn, as bearing the ear, as the body the head, as an integral part of the whole; stipula, as being compared with the ear, a worthless and useless part of the whole, as stubble. 3. Spica is the full ear, the fruit of the corn-stalk, without respect to its shape, arista, the prickly ear, the tip or uppermost part of the stalk, without respect to its substance, sometimes merely the prickles. Quintil. i. 3, 5. Imitatæ spicas herbulæ inanibus aristis ante messem flavescunt. 4. Calamus, as a reed, is the general term; arundo (from ῥοδανός) is a longer and stronger reed; canna (from κανών?) a smaller and thinner reed. Colum. iv. 32. Ea est arundineti senectus, cum ita densatum est, ut gracilis et cannæ similis arundo prodeat. (v. 219.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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