- 라틴어-한국어 사전

라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


1변화 동사; 상위3000위 고전 발음: [소:] 교회 발음: [소:]

기본형: pulsō, pulsāre, pulsāvī, pulsātum

어원: pellō(추방하다, 쫓아내다)

  1. 밀다, 떠밀다, 두드리다, 고동치다, 맥박치다
  2. 밀어붙이다, 동요시키다, 강요하다
  3. 고발하다, 고소하다, 중상하다, 모욕하다
  4. 떨쳐버리다, 쫓아버리다, 없애다, 제거하다
  1. I push, strike, beat, batter, hammer; knock on; pulsate.
  2. (figuratively) I urge or drive on, impel, move, agitate, disturb, disquiet.
  3. (figuratively) I accuse, defame; injure, insult.
  4. (figuratively) I remove, put out of the way, drive away; dispel.

활용 정보



  • sōle occidente urbem ingressus, ad aedēs Theomnēstī festīnāvit iānuamque pulsāvit. (Oxford Latin Course III, Quīntus Athēnās fugit 38:28)

    (옥스포드 라틴 코스 3권, 38:28)

  • Quīntus eī grātiās reddidit iānuamque pulsāvit. (Oxford Latin Course II, Acadēmīa 29:10)

    (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 29:10)

  • Marcus iānuam pulsāvit; (Oxford Latin Course II, Marcus Quīntum domum suam invītat 21:25)

    마르쿠스가 대문을 두드렸다; (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 21:25)

  • Marcus Quīntum dūxit ad iānuam quae ā fronte stābat et pulsāvit. (Oxford Latin Course II, Marcus Quīntum domum suam invītat 21:37)

    마르쿠스는 앞에 서있는 문을 향해 퀸투스를 데려가서는 문을 두드렸다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 21:37)

  • Quīntus iānuam pulsāvit sed nēmō aperuit. (Oxford Latin Course II, Quīntus Rōmā discēdere parat 27:14)

    퀸투스는 문을 두드렸지만 누구도 열어주지 않았다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 27:14)

유의어 사전

1. Verberare, ferire, and icere, mean, in a general sense, to strike, whether by throwing, hitting, or pushing; but the verberans makes his blow rebound; the iciens and feriens penetrate and wound, or break to pieces; the iciens (resembling in form jaciens) chiefly by throwing, for instance, fulmine ictus; the feriens, by pushing, for instance, murum ariete; whereas cædere, pulsare, and mulcare, denote especially striking, generally with a weapon; cædere, with a weapon that cuts and wounds, a hatchet, sword, whip, rod, strap; pulsare and mulcare, with a hard weapon, stick or fist. Pulsare has any object whatever, man, a door, the ground; mulcare, like to cudgel, only an object that can feel pain, especially man. 2. Verberare, in a narrower sense, denotes a quiet chastisement by the blows of a stick, which is generally appointed, as a formal punishment, by the competent authorities; whereas pulsare and mulcare, a misusage by blows or thrusts, which is administered as mere vengeance by unauthorized persons; pulsare (from pellere) as a slighter misusage with hand or stick, which principally hurts the honor and dignity of the person misused; mulcare (μαλάξαι, malaxare), a rougher misusage, with fists or clubs, which aims principally at physical pain, like a sound drubbing. 3. Pavire (παίειν) means to beat, in order to make a soft mass solid; cudere, in order to widen or extend a solid mass. Fulgere, battuere, and cajare are antiquated or vulgar expressions for beating. (v. 67.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 밀다

    • obtundō (때리다, 두드리다, 치다)
    • pultō (때리다, 두드리다, 치다)
    • excūdō (때리다, 두드리다, 치다)
  2. 밀어붙이다

    • prōpellō (강요하다, 다그치다, 주장하다)
  3. 떨쳐버리다

    • summoveō (보내다, 추방하다, 제거하다)
    • dispellō (흩어지다, 뿌리다, 쫓아내다)
    • aspellō (제거하다, 치우다, 쫓아내다)
    • dētergeō (쫓아내다, 추방하다, 몰아내다)







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