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기본형: flāgitium, flāgitiī
At ille cruentus et multis ante flagitiis similibus exercitatus percussor iniecta lancea duorum alterum per pectus medium transadegit a nec tamen peremptus ac prorsum exanimatus adulescens ille terrae concidit; (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 9 34:6)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 9권 34:6)
Nam ex hoc quoque sexu, peremptae sunt originis altae complures, adulteriorum flagitiis obnoxiae, vel stuprorum. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XXVIII, chapter 1 28:2)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 1장 28:2)
Quibus lectis cum neque relationi officiorum magistri, faventis Romani flagitiis, nec contraria referentibus crederetur, promissa disceptatio plena dilata est eo more, quo solent inter potiorum occupationes ludi potestates excelsae. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XXVIII, chapter 6 9:3)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 6장 9:3)
Hanc Taifalorum gentem turpem ac obscenae vitae flagitiis ita accepimus mersam, ut apud eos nefandi concubitus foedere copulentur maribus puberes, aetatis viriditatem in eorum pollutis usibus consumpturi. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XXXI, chapter 9 5:1)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 9장 5:1)
vitia enim flagitiis leviora sunt. (Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, A. Gellii Noctium Atticarum, Liber Primus, XVII 7:2)
(아울루스 겔리우스, 아테네의 밤, , 7:2)
1. Delictum and peccatum denote the lighter sort of offences; delictum, more the transgression of positive laws, from levity; peccatum (from παχύς), rather of the laws of nature and reason, from indiscretion. 2. A synonyme and as it were a circumlocution of the above words is malefactum; whereas maleficium and facinus involve a direct moral reference; maleficium is any misdeed which, as springing from evil intention, deserves punishment; but facinus, a crime which, in addition to the evil intention, excites astonishment and alarm from the extraordinary degree of daring requisite thereto. 3. There are as many sorts of evil deeds, as there are of duties, against oneself, against others, against the gods; flagitium (from βλαγίς) is an offence against oneself, against one’s own honor, by gluttony, licentiousness, cowardice; in short, by actions which are not the consequence of unbridled strength, but of moral weakness, as evincing ignavia, and incurring shame; whereas scelus (σκληρόν) is an offence against others, against the right of individuals, or the peace of society, by robbery, murder, and particularly by sedition, by the display, in short, of malice; nefas (ἄφατον) is an offence against the gods, or against nature, by blasphemy, sacrilege, murder of kindred, betrayal of one’s country; in short, by the display of impietas, an impious outrage. Tac. G. 12. (ii. 139.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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