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라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


3변화 io 변화 동사; 상위500위 고전 발음: [표:] 교회 발음: [표:]

기본형: recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptum

어원: (~에 대해, ~에 관하여) + capiō(잡다, 포획하다)

  1. 되찾다
  2. 받다, 얻다, 수용하다
  1. I take back (i.e., regain possession of something)
  2. I receive

활용 정보

3변화 io 변화


  • Misit autem Iudas haedum per amicum suum Odollamitem, ut reciperet pignus, quod dederat mulieri. Qui cum non invenisset eam, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 38 38:20)

    유다는 자기 친구 아둘람 사람 편에 새끼 염소 한 마리를 보내면서, 그 여자에게서 담보물을 찾아오게 하였으나, 그는 그 여자를 찾지 못하였다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 38장 38:20)

  • fratremque vestrum minimum adducite ad me, ut sciam quod non sitis exploratores et istum, qui tenetur in vinculis, recipere possitis ac deinceps peragrandi terram habeatis licentiam" ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 42 42:34)

    그리고 너희 막내아우를 나에게 데려오너라. 그래야만 너희가 염탐꾼들이 아니라 정직한 사람들이라는 것을 알 수 있겠다. 그제야 내가 너희 형제를 풀어 주고, 너희는 이 땅을 두루 돌아다닐 수 있게 될 것이다.’” (불가타 성경, 창세기, 42장 42:34)

  • Quod cum audisset Moyses, recepit satisfactionem. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 10 10:20)

    이 말을 듣고 모세도 동감하였다. 정결과 부정에 관한 가르침 (불가타 성경, 레위기, 10장 10:20)

  • computabuntur fructus ex eo tempore, quo vendidit; et, quod reliquum est, reddet emptori sicque recipiet possessionem suam. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 25 25:27)

    자기가 판 뒤에 지난 햇수를 헤아려 나머지 값을 산 사람에게 치르고 그 소유지를 되찾는다. (불가타 성경, 레위기, 25장 25:27)

  • Quod si nec sic volueritis recipere disciplinam, sed ambulaveritis ex adverso mihi, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 26 26:23)

    이렇게 해도 너희가 내 징계를 받아들이지 않고 나에게 맞선다면, (불가타 성경, 레위기, 26장 26:23)

유의어 사전

Polliceri (from pro and loqui, λακεῖν) means to promise, generally from a free impulse, and as an act of obliging courtesy, like ἐπαγγέλλεσθαι; promittere, to promise, generally, at the request of another, as an act of agreement, and in reference to the fulfilment of the promise, like ὑπισχνεῖσθαι; spondere and despondere (μετὰ σπονδῶν) to promise in a solemn manner, as the consequence of a stipulation with judicially binding strength, as to pledge one’s self, ἐγγυᾶν; recipere, to take upon one’s self, and pass one’s word of honor, as an act of generosity, inasmuch as one sets at ease the mind of a person in trouble, like ἀναδέχεσθαι. The pollicens makes agreeable offers, the promittens opens secure prospects; the spondens gives legal security; the recipiens removes anxiety from another. Cic. Att. xiii. 1. Quoniam de æstate polliceris vel potius recipis; for the pollicens only engages his good-will, the recipiens undertakes to answer for consequences. Sen. Ep. 19; Jam non promittunt de te, sed spondent. Cic. Fam. vii. 5. Neque minus ei prolixe de tua voluntate promisi, quam eram solitus de mea polliceri; for with regard to Trebatius, Cicero could only express his hope, with regard to himself he could actually promise. (iv. 109.)

1. Sumere (sub-imere) means to take up any thing, in order to use it, like αἱρεῖν; capere (from κάπτειν) to lay hold on any thing, in order to possess it, like λαβεῖν; lastly prehendere, præhendere (from χανδάνειν) to lay hold on any thing, in order, in a mere physical sense, to have it in one’s hand. Cic. Phil. xii. 7. Saga sumpsimus, arma cepimus. 2. Accipere means to take any thing offered, with willingness, δέχεσθαι; excipere, to intercept, or catch any thing that is escaping, ὑποδέχεσθαι; recipere, to take any thing that wants protection, with a generous feeling; suscipere, to undertake, or take upon one’s self any thing burdensome, with self-denial. The accipiens usually takes in his hand; the excipiens, in his arms; the recipiens, in his bosom; the suscipiens, on his arm or back. 3. Recipere means to receive again, without taking pains; whereas recuperare, to regain by one’s own exertion. Liv. xiii. 53, urbem recipit, by merely taking possession; comp. with xxvi. 39, urbe recuperata, by conquest. (iv. 131.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 되찾다

  2. 받다






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