고전 발음: []교회 발음: []
기본형: obligō, obligāre, obligāvī, obligātum
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | obligō | obligās | obligat |
복수 | obligāmus | obligātis | obligant | |
과거 | 단수 | obligābam | obligābās | obligābat |
복수 | obligābāmus | obligābātis | obligābant | |
미래 | 단수 | obligābō | obligābis | obligābit |
복수 | obligābimus | obligābitis | obligābunt | |
완료 | 단수 | obligāvī | obligāvistī | obligāvit |
복수 | obligāvimus | obligāvistis | obligāvērunt, obligāvēre | |
과거완료 | 단수 | obligāveram | obligāverās | obligāverat |
복수 | obligāverāmus | obligāverātis | obligāverant | |
미래완료 | 단수 | obligāverō | obligāveris | obligāverit |
복수 | obligāverimus | obligāveritis | obligāverint |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | obligem | obligēs | obliget |
복수 | obligēmus | obligētis | obligent | |
과거 | 단수 | obligārem | obligārēs | obligāret |
복수 | obligārēmus | obligārētis | obligārent | |
완료 | 단수 | obligāverim | obligāverīs | obligāverit |
복수 | obligāverīmus | obligāverītis | obligāverint | |
과거완료 | 단수 | obligāvissem | obligāvissēs | obligāvisset |
복수 | obligāvissēmus | obligāvissētis | obligāvissent |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | obligāre | ||
복수 | obligāminī | |||
미래 | 단수 | obligātor | obligātor | |
복수 | obligantor |
현재 | 완료 | 미래 | |
능동태 | obligāre | obligāvisse | obligātūrus esse |
수동태 | obligārī | obligātus esse | obligātum īrī |
현재 | 완료 | 미래 | |
능동태 | obligāns | obligātūrus | |
수동태 | obligātus | obligandus |
Si gratos vis habere, quos obligas, non tantum des oportet beneficia, sed ames. (Seneca, De Beneficiis, Liber II 45:6)
(세네카, 행복론, 45:6)
Ipse usque eo abes ab omni iactatione, usque eo statim vis exonerare, quos obligas, ut, quidquid in aliquem confers, velis videri non praestare, sed reddere, ideoque plenius ad te sic data revertentur. (Seneca, De Beneficiis, Liber V 5:1)
(세네카, 행복론, 5:1)
" In infinitum ius," inquit, " me obligas, cum dicis : (Seneca, De Beneficiis, Liber V 107:1)
(세네카, 행복론, 107:1)
Qui contemnit verbum, ipse se obligat; qui autem timet praeceptum, retribuetur ei. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 13 13:13)
말씀을 업신여기는 자는 멸망하고 계명을 두려워하는 이는 보상받는다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 13장 13:13)
Qui cum anima nondum exspirata concidisset, [et] impetu facto in cubiculum ex suspicione medicus familiaresque continere atque volnus obligare coepissent, ipse suis manibus vulnus crudelissime divellit atque animo praesenti se interemit. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO AFRICO 88:6)
(카이사르, 아프리카 전기 88:6)
1. Ligare and viere denote to bind, in order to prevent things falling asunder, synonymously with copulare, like δέειν; whereas vincire and nectere mean to fetter, in order to hinder free movement, synonymously with coercere, like δεσμεύειν. 2. Ligare is the general, viere (ὀχεῖν) the technical expression for binding fast, etc. 3. Obligare means to oblige by acts of kindness; obstringere, to oblige by benefits; devincire, to rivet to one’s self by a lasting intimate connection. The obligatus feels himself bound by the conventional duties of social life; the obstrictus, by the duties of morality or religion; the devinctus, by the duties of piety. (iv. 282.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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